Operation Montserrat Background Photo

The Soufriere Hills volcano located on the small island of Montserrat is ready to erupt at the same time a Category 3 hurricane is approaching the island from the east.

Student SiteTeacher SiteStudent Site (Spanish)Teacher Site (Spanish)

Educational Categories:

  • Science
  • Math
  • Language Arts
  • Social Studies

Operation Montserrat Support Photo 1Operation Montserrat Support Photo 2Operation Montserrat Support Photo 3Operation Montserrat Support Photo 4Operation Montserrat Support Photo 5Operation Montserrat Support Photo 6Operation Montserrat Support Photo 7Operation Montserrat Support Photo 8Operation Montserrat Support Photo 9

e-Missions.net: Operation Montserrat

The Soufriere Hills volcano located on the small island of Montserrat is ready to erupt at the same time a Category 3 hurricane is approaching the island from the east. The volcano team calculates rock fall and volcanic tectonic data to predict what will happen with the volcano. The hurricane team tracks the approaching hurricane and calculates estimated times of arrival on the island. The evacuation team uses population maps and available transportation options to move residents out of the danger zones to safe shelters on the island. Your team receives satellite data from the island every 5-6 minutes to assess the situation. The communication team's job is to keep Mission Control informed about this brewing situation on Montserrat and to relay recommendations from all teams.


Earth science, water cycle, weather, oceans & energy, rock cycle, lithospheric plates, ecosystems and spheres, risk management, graphing, graph interpretation, math in everyday life.

Mission Teams

Volcano RF Background Photo

Volcano RF

Communication Background Photo


Hurricane Background Photo


Volcano VT Background Photo

Volcano VT

Data Background Photo


Technical Requirements

    1. Videoconferencing system (a computer with a web cam at a minimum)
    2. 4 Computers
    3. Software (free and available on the Internet)
    4. Internet link
    5. LCD Projector
    6. Printer (network, optional)
    7. Digital camera (optional)
  • All computers (a student Research Team is optional) are linked to the Internet.
  • The Communications Team uses the videoconferencing system as well as one computer that requires the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. The videoconferencing system can be a dedicated videoconference unit such as Polycom or Tandberg or a computer equipped with a webcam, a microphone, speakers, and videoconferencing software such as Microsoft Netmeeting.
  • The videoconferencing system also permits Mission Control to see the students during the mid-mission and end-of-mission briefings.
    The Volcano, Hurricane, and Evacuation Teams (Computers #2, #3, and #4) require up-to-date versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.
  • All required software is specified below.
  • A computer projection device and a large screen located in the front of the room permits the students to see the Mission Commander and watch several videos during the mission.It is also helpful for the students to see the "chat" window on a big screen.
  • A digital camera is valuable for recording the excitement of the mission.

Note: A computer lab may be too crowded. Typically labs are arranged in permanent rows. This does not permit team communications or the required flow of foot traffic.

Communications Team (2 students in front of room)

  • 1 H.323 Videoconference System. (Either standalone unit or computer based)
  • 1 computer
  • Internet link
  • LCD projector

If you have a standalone Videoconferencing system you have to make sure it is connected using IP.

Hurricane, Volcano and (Optional) Research Team Locations
Hurricane and Volcano Teams have between 4 and 8 students and should be located on the sides of the room. The optional Research Team should have between 2 and 4 students, all located at the rear center of room. The technology requirements for these teams are the following:

  • 2-3 Computers (one per team)
  • Optional Printer (network)

Connection Procedures

  • H.323 IP Videoconference System: Get the IP number from the Challenger Learning Center – WJU, plug it in your system and dial at 384 kb

Mission Sponsors

Logo for Mission Sponsor https://www.nasa.gov