Moon, Mars, and Beyond Background Photo

Moon, Mars, and Beyond
Teacher Site



How many computers do I need?

  1. Six computers
    • Each Planet Team has one computer — The computer will be shared among the different team specialists.
  2. One computer for the live connection to Challenger Learning Center.


What grades is e-Mission: Moon, Mars, and Beyond geared toward?

The curriculum of this e-Mission is designed and geared toward students in grades three through five.

How many activities are required to prepare my students for the mission?

There are eight required activities listed in the Lesson Plans, but the number of activities needed to prepare your students will vary with ability. There are several activities included to help you reinforce the math skills your students will need for a successful mission. There are also several activities constructed in the Task Card format to help your students become more familiar with the Task Card approach.

How much does a mission cost?

$450 per 90 min mission, including a free virtual teacher training, lesson plans and materials.

How do I book a mission?

Schedule your mission by using our online reservation form.