Operation Montserrat Background Photo

Operation Montserrat
Teacher Site

Montserrat: Letter from Melvin

Dear Mission Control Staff:
My name is Melvin Clifton. I thank you for joining this e-Mission and coming to the assistance of our beloved island of Montserrat. As a native of Montserrat, and a member of the tourist bureau, I will endeavor to tell you as much as I can to help you assess the possible damage that this very frightening volcano could have upon our island.

Attached to this letter I'm sending some information I thought it may be interesting for you to know. Among them there are a Newspaper Article, a note about the History of Montserrat and some Montserrat Fun Facts.

Melvin Clifton Proprietor

Footnote: Melvin Clifton is a fictitious character. Any relationship to organizations or persons past or present is strictly coincidental.