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Space Station Alpha
Teacher Site Grades 9-12

Chapter 2: Radiation Health Answers

Are You Too Hot Answers

Teachers answers to Are You Too Hot This game is self-explanatory. I have calculated exposure limits for males and females. This is what is asked to calculate in step five of the game.

Age Sex Exposure Limit
25 years old Male 37,700 mrem
  Female 97,700 mrem
35 years old Male 37,700 mrem
  Female 22,700 mrem
45 years old Male 112,700 mrem
  Female 52,700 mrem
55 years old Male 187,700 mrem
  Female 127,700 mrem


Let students calculate first. Do not give them the answers. Use this for a reference sheet only.

Ready Aim Mutate Answers

Part I

  1. ALARA stands for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. By increasing the distance from the radioactive source, decreasing the time spent around the radioactive source, and using adequate shielding, an astronaut can decrease their radiation exposure.
  2. Each group will describe their results. Make sure to explain the relationships between:
    1. Time: only squirting the gun one time should only show one spot on the DNA.
    2. Distance: the further the distance between the DNA and the shooter, the harder it is to hit the DNA target.
    3. Shielding: the screen acted as a shield. The screen deflected some of the paint, decreasing the radiation exposure to the DNA.
  3. Astronauts could use a space weather map to track solar storms, predict when solar flares may occur to avoid being in space at that time, find more ways to effectively use shielding, and keep time at the ISS at a minimum.