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Space Station Alpha
Teacher Site Grades 9-12

Team Prep: Storm Team

Mission Day Instructions


Solar weather impacts the space station in much the same way as our weather impacts the earth. The difference is that solar weather can include XRays and protons from the sun. Solar proton events are dangerous and can cause great harm to the astronauts and damage the space station. You will monitor X-Ray production, which provides an indicator of a possible Solar Proton Event. X-Ray and proton data comes from the GOES-8 (Geostationary Orbiting Environmental Satellite-8). Your team is responsible for graphing the data and making calculations. Predict the strength of the storm as well as how long it might last. Make recommendations to the othe

Your Task

The STORM Team’s job is to predict space weather. Your team will be tracking X-ray and proton activity to determine if and when the solar storm will hit the space station. This team serves as the early-alert team and should be prepared to warn and inform the other teams and Mission Control if they see any cause for concern.

By the time the mission starts, the Storm Team should be able to:

1. Analyze real-time data, record it, graph it, and make calculations.

2. Monitor solar activity, provide regular space weather reports and alert all teams and Mission Control of any noteworthy fluctuations.

3. Use the STORM Team Reference Guide to understand X-Ray productions and SPEs and their potential