Test distance learning link with Challenger's Mission Control®
Assign students to teams
Conduct interactive lectures on practice data and mission background review.
Practice data calculations for each team
Set up the classroom for the mission:
Communications station set up: one computer with communications software installed. Copy Communications mission instructions. Provide one copy for each student.
Set up Radiation, Storm and Life Support Team areas with computers, calculators, rulers, report forms, and team preparation packets (includes each team's mission instructions and reference guide. Provide one set for each student.
Set up Crisis Management Team work area with poster board, markers, and team materials (includes team mission instructions and reference guide along with copies of the Radiation reference guide and the Life Support reference guide. Provide one set of Crisis Management materials for each student.
Assign Radiation, Storm and Life Support Team roles and prepare them.
Assign Crisis Magagement Team roles and prepare them.
Assign Communications Team roles and prepare them.
Teams make room decorations: table tents, patches, posters on the wall.
Provide copies of the Space Station Alpha diagram (internal view) for each team.