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Space Station Alpha
Teacher Site Grades 9-12

Teacher Answer Key: Extracting DNA

Reflection and Discussion

    1. What is DNA?

      The major component of chromosomes that carries the genetic information; has a twisted double-stranded form.
    2. What are some things DNA determines?

      Accept any characteristic that is inherited (color of hair, height, etc.) Hopefully, by this time the students begin to realize that DNA determines all inherited characteristics. Give them some examples they might not have thought of yet, such as whether or not we are more susceptible to high blood pressure and if we have more of a risk of cancer.

    3. Where is DNA?

      The nucleus of almost every cell.

    4. What are chromosomes made of?

      They are formed from DNA and contain the information for building more cells.

    5. Why do astronauts have to worry about radiation in space causing changes or mutations in the DNA in their cells?

      The damage that may occur to the DNA contained in the cells might result in mutations that get passed along when the cell divides to form a new cell. A mutation is a random change in a gene or chromosome that results in a new trait. Mutations can alter the way the cell works and may have dangerous consequences to the astronauts, such as cancer. For this reason the radiation levels of every astronaut are carefully monitored.

    6. Describe the DNA you extracted from the pea plant.

      Answers will vary. Accept correct answers but emphasize the importance of detail in scientific reporting.

    7. Do you think the DNA would look different or similar if you used another source for the DNA extraction procedure? Explain your answer.

      Answers will vary. Accept answers that reflect critical thinking based on an understanding of the topic.