Space Station Alpha
Teacher Site Grades 9-12
Teacher Answer Key: Emergency Procedures on the Space Station
Check for Understanding
Answer the following questions to see how much you know about emergency procedures on the space station.
- Name two ways solar storms can damage the space station.
The electromagnetic energy causes the solar arrays to produce less power. The storm affects the way the computers and wires on board the station work. The electromagnetic energy can penetrate the circuitry of the computer microchips and cause them to “flip their bits.” The memory of the chip is reversed, and the computer program will not work correctly. - What has been done to protect the space station from dangerous solar energy levels?
Several types of shielding materials are used to help protect the station and the astronauts inside. Multiple computers control nearly every device on the station in case one fails. Engineers have calculated exactly how much power is needed to safely run the station in emergency conditions, and astronauts reduce the power needed or completely shut off systems that are not essential in order to maintain power to essential systems.